
Part Two: The Importance of Measuring Productivity by Results, Not Inputs

As hybrid work environments have continued to bring new management challenges to the forefront, finding adaptive and future-oriented structures has become an urgent priority. In part one of our analysis of the importance of measuring productivity by results, not inputs, we identified the importance of defining success within an organisational structure in a way that wasn’t limited by traditional, outdated frameworks. 

How Companies Can Make Remote Working A Success from McKinsey & Company in July 2020 noted, ‘it’s better to define the outcomes you expect from your small teams rather than the specific activities or time spent on them.’ How, then, can leaders and managers move from an input-oriented productivity framework to one that’s measured by results?

Begin by shifting your mindset

As with any change in management structures, results-based productivity measurement requires a mindset shift.

If you’re used to viewing visibility as a metric of employee engagement, it’s time to leave that idea behind. Gone are the days when the hours someone spends in the office is a useful metric by which their productivity can be assessed. With competing priorities, changing market conditions and flexible working hours becoming the norm across many industries, making this shift from input-based to output-oriented begins in mindset. 

Begin by considering the genuine goals and objectives of your team. Do you have clear, tangible KPIs? Are company objectives clearly communicated across every level of the organisation? By assessing how the desired outcomes are defined and communicated, you can build a rich foundation for the measurement of productivity against metrics that truly move the needle. 

Identify communication channels

With less in-person connectivity at play, robust communication channels are more important than ever. Strategically employing virtual communication tools is a necessary part of housekeeping in the pursuit of outcome-oriented productivity measurement. 

Leaders and managers should prioritise the establishment of clear communication channels that protect the viability of successful collaborative workflows. This allows for the flow of information necessary for ongoing productivity, creating easy access between team members and organisational units that enables work to continue, no matter whether the team is working side-by-side or remotely. 

Encourage transparency and accountability

Accountability is an essential ingredient for any team working within a results-oriented framework. While leaders and managers are naturally responsible for holding their teams accountable to intended (and actual) outcomes, creating a rich culture of mutual accountability can also be beneficial in the pursuit of an outcome-oriented mindset.

This is also a necessary tool in ensuring flexibility goes hand-in-hand with company productivity expectations. When team members are supported to speak openly, more trust is built, enriching a hybrid workplace that is underpinned by accountable relationships to employee autonomy.

Build a strong sense of unity

When teams feel deeply connected with each other, they’re much more firmly positioned to deliver their best results.

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